Installation Guide
Hardware Included:
- Header
- Footer
- 2 Side Frames
- Header Flange
- Footer Flange
- 2 Side Flanges
Step-By-Step Instructions:
- Assemble the frame with rivets. Drill through the hole if the rivets don't fit at first.
- Place the window into the window frame. Prop the window & frame with something (like a block of wood) so there is more room when drilling.
- After ensuring window fits the frame, lift up the window, silicone around the perimeter and put the window back into place.
- Rivet the flanges to secure the window in place.
- Mark and cut the hole at desired location. Insert the assembled frame/window. Rivet and then seal with silicone.
Any protrusion in the container affects it's structure. Building officials will most often want to see window frames reinforced to bring the container back to it's original structural integrity.
Our Do-It-Yourself Windows are structurally engineered and designed to provide a seamless vapor barrier while making framing simple. These kits are sold in two ways:
As a complete package to simply install in one piece; or
A bolt together structural framing kit only.
This style allow a range of install methods (self-tapping screws, rivets, bolts or welding) - whatever your preference.